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Ege Akpinar
We are incredibly proud to announce that our work with Gatwick Airport was nominated for the Mobile Innovation of the year award and although competition was of high calibre, we won!
The National Tech awards, that celebrates pioneers of technology had a thorough panel of judges making the decision, and we are very happy that our hard work has received this great nod of acknowledgement.
Through our indoor location technology, Gatwick Airport was the first Airport in the world to have a fully functioning indoor navigation system, and this is just the beginning!
A big thank you to our great team of talented developers, partners and friends that make all this possible.
Ege Akpinar
Ege is Pointr's founder and CEO. It's thanks to his vision for the future of smart buildings that Pointr is the market-leading company that it is today. Who better, therefore, to learn about Pointr's various technological innovations from than the founder of the leaders in indoor mapping and indoor positioning? Nobody in the indoor location space can boast the same depth of knowledge and expertise, plus passion for the future of indoor mapping, positioning, and navigation.
Chris Schwartz
Eva Cheng
Daniel Murphey
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