Industrial Buildings
Monitor when employees enter and exit high security area via geofences
Track employee locations and monitor occupancy to manage health and safety scenarios
Use precision wayfinding to help staff with directions to specific locations

Help fans find their seats, navigate to amenities, and improve stadium revenue
Enable 'order to my seat' functionality with precise Blue Dot - even in indoor environments where GPS doesn't work
Use analytics to monitor over- and under-utilized areas of the stadium that can be better optimizes
Position geofences to trigger push notifications for fans as they enter or exit certain areas - share welcome messages and news about nearby promotions

Enable visitors to find what they came to see and to experience everything your museum has to offer with intuitive maps and detailed directories
Alert app users to nearby exhibits via geofence-based push notifications direct to their smartphones
Let visitors access maps without needing to download an app with our state-of-the-art Pointr Express® tool

Get Digital Maps at Scale with MapScale®
Get interactive and user-friendly digital maps which are integrated into your mobile and web apps, available on desktop or on digital screens.
Map hundreds of buildings in minutes and ensure your maps always stay relevant with Pointr’s intuitive management interface.