Making Workplaces Smarter with AI-Powered Digital Maps Insights from Cisco DNA Spaces, Verdantix, and Pointr

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Download the presentation and explore how AI-powered indoor maps and location services are redefining the future of work for Fortune 500 companies.


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Have an upcoming project that could benefit from scalable digital maps? Interested in learning more?

We've handpicked a few tools to support

your journey to digital maps and location services...




Curious to learn about how indoor positioning works, and how to approach unlocking indoor location in your offices?


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Have you already invested in BLE-enabled wireless infrastructure?

Find out how leveraging your existing Cisco infrastructure can enable fast implementation at a fraction of the time.

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Managing and maintaining user-friendly indoor digital maps at scale is possible with our AI-powered mapping solution, MapScale®. Watch our recent product webinar to learn more!


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Explore more about Pointr Maps®

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